Burton Poachers

Jos Vorkmans | 6 December 2007

Topics: Linkdump



Since the release of our Poachers web story on burton.com,

several people have contacted Burton complaining of our actions. While

I fully respect their prerogative to voice their opinion, they should

in return grant us the same courtesy. We have been snowboarding at

major resorts for well over 20 years now and in the process, we have

demonstrated our sport to be for real, and of no threat to society. The

fact is that two of the four resorts operate on federal forest land,

which makes this issue even more frustrating since the taxes of many

snowboarders help finance these resorts. I’m confident that if these

four resorts outlawed skiing tomorrow, there would be a protest long

before 20 years passed, and rightfully so. I want to add that we have

been careful not to break any laws, nor to encourage anyone to break

any laws (see the Poaching 10 Commandments on burton.com/poachers)

in our efforts to liberate these mountains. If you have spent as much

time in the mountains as I have, you would know that every mountain has

a personality, and while they can be brutally cruel at times,

discrimination is not in their DNA.

Jake Burton

Founder-Burton Snowboards

Er zijn nog steeds skigebieden in de US of A waar snowboarden niet toegelaten is (skiërs only). Burton looft 5.000$ uit aan de crew die terugkomt uit in één van deze gebieden met de leukste video: Burton Poachers

Update: er komt precies nogal veel kritiek op dus zond Jake daar zijn eigen mening over

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